Kane MurdochMay 2, 20233 min readOn wastageRated 5 out of 5 stars.(1)Evening all, We're back for another week in the endless quest to make universities a fulfilling and rewarding place to work. If I have to...
Kane MurdochApr 27, 20234 min readInstitutionalisedEvening all, Interestingly enough, following my recent post that discussed stupid and expensive things that we absolutely should stop...
Kane MurdochApr 26, 20233 min readTEQSA and the A-TeamEvening all, Firstly apologies that there's been a lull in posting this week. My family had my mum's 70th last weekend (I only look and...
Kane MurdochApr 18, 20234 min readI have a cunning planRated 3.667 out of 5 stars.(3)Evening all, This plan is as cunning as a fox that's just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University. We all know that,...
Kane MurdochApr 14, 20234 min readLinus, Ziggy and the third pillEvening all, First, thankyou to those who provided feedback on the previous blog. I get that there's differing points of view on the way...
Kane MurdochApr 12, 20234 min readWinners and losersEvening all, and welcome back to another week in the dream factory. As you may recall, where I left off before Easter was with a...
Kane MurdochApr 7, 20231 min readSatanic delivery rabbitsHi all, Because this is the first day of a 4 day long weekend here in Australia, I'm going to spend as little of that time thinking about...
Kane MurdochApr 6, 20232 min readBad suntans and lengthy journeysMorning all, (11.48 AM Sydney time), This will actually be a short one because I'm going out with Mrs Guerilla for my birthday. Amidst...
Kane MurdochApr 5, 20233 min readThere may be a boogey man, or boogey men in the houseRated 5 out of 5 stars.(2)Evening all, On this momentous day, April 5 2023, I thought I would have a chat about Turnitin turning it on. By which I mean their...
Kane MurdochApr 4, 20233 min readAlfred Hitchcock and Lance Armstrong form VoltronEvening all, I'll pick up on the central unit/faculty academic Maginot Line tomorrow, but today will be a bit shorter. For reasons. Or...
Kane MurdochApr 3, 20233 min readToothless tigers eating forbidden breakfast cereal. Evening all, Following on from Alix's problem statement from last week, tonight I'm going to consider why schools, faculty, academics,...
Kane MurdochMar 31, 20234 min readDon't look at me, I'm hideous.Evening all, The internet takes you strange places with your mind. When Twitter pal @alix_thoeming suggested talking about central...
Kane MurdochMar 30, 20232 min readSo Guerilla, what's all that about?Twitter names are funny things, sometimes. Some are very clever, some are just a name, some are funny but baffling like BonerHitler (not ...
Kane MurdochMar 29, 20232 min readTear it down, or smile and nodEvening friends. Like a prepper getting ready for the end of society, I thought I better prepare for the impeding collapse of twitter...